Sunday Worship at St Kiaran's



With a broader view on what worship really is, we come to the word "liturgy". Liturgy describes the order by which a Church Service is conducted. Every church has a liturgy, whether they admit to it or not. It may be a very formal and structured arrangement. It may also be a very loose arrangement of songs, prayers and preaching. We believe that structure and a certain level of 'predictability' in a service provides a structure and order along with a sense of peace and God's presence that for some people, is absent in their personal lives, where often, there is mostly chaos and confusion. We also believe that God can deal with us as he pleases in any environment. Certainly a service can be adjusted to include various other items such as Notices, a Children's Address and Prayer for those in need and the like. But the essential elements ought to be present to hold the "dialogue" between God and God's people together in as biblical a way as possible.

That said, a basic, yet important approach to a church service should include at least the following:

The Call to Worship

This is where we hear scripture or words that express the understanding that we have gathered not by our own consent, but in response to God calling us to worship him.

The People's Approach

This simply describes a number of movements whereby we approach God, First, we acknowledge him and then our own humanity in the presence of a holy God. This should include:

A prayer of praise and adoration, allowing time to pause and to reflect on God's greatness, holiness and majesty. This time focuses on God and avoids making requests.

A prayer of confession and assurance of God's grace. In light of the previous prayer, we reflect on who we are. Much like Isaiah who found himself in the presence of God and felt his own sinfulness (Is.6:5). With all confessions, God's forgiveness is proclaimed to the congregation.

God's Word

God's Word primarily comes to God's people in the form of a sermon were Scripture is expounded. Prior to God's Word, we pray that our hearts will be illuminated by what we will hear, so that we may respond in faith to it and be transformed by the power of the Holy Spirit.


The People's Response

This is an opportunity where, as the Church, we respond to God's Word preached with various actions:

Affirmation of Faith. In a more formal setting, we would affirm our faith in the words of the Apostle's or Nicene Creed. However, in our setting, we reflect on God's Word and end with a prayer that expresses our response to it.

Offering and Prayer of Thanksgiving. At this point our offerings are received for the ministry of the Church and the furtherance of God's work in the world.

Prayers of Petition and Intercession. In our context, often these prayers are prayed during our time of corporate prayer. Here, however, a more structured and intentional prayer is offered where we bring various needs to God in prayer.

God's Sending.

Once again, intentionally, God's people are sent into the world to "proclaim the Gospel" through how they live their lives along with the pronouncement of God's blessing by way of the Benediction.