Ministry at St Kiaran's

Sunday Worship

Worship is not what we do on Sundays only. Worship describes the Christian life. Romans 12:1 begins with these words: "And so, dear brothers and sisters, I plead with you to give your bodies to God because of all he has done for you. Let them be a living and holy sacrifice - the kind he will find acceptable. This is truly the way to worship him."(NLT) Viewed this way, worship refers to a Christ-centred life, devoted to serving God in real and practical ways in our everyday existence that will please him. The easiest way we can please God is to live out our faith authentically in the workplace, at home and with our friends. Gathering together as God's people on the Lord's Day (Sundays) is an important facet of how we remain connected to God, our faith and each other. You can see how we structure our worship services by clicking here.


Bible Study and Home Groups

We encourage Bible study both personally and in groups. Our various groups are the backbone of the church, where members also pray and care for each other in practical ways. A number of these groups are run on a weekly basis at various times. They are looked after by very caring and competent leaders. You can see more about them by clicking here.

Prayer Ministry

Tuesday morning prayer meetings are held at St Kiaran's in the Craig Room of the Jubilee Complex, or another location by arrangement.

Prayer Shawl Ministry

The Prayer Shawl Ministry is run by a group of our folk who come together and use their exceptional crocheting and knitting skills to produce items that will be given to those who may grieving, are unwell or celebrating a joyous event such as an achievement, the birth of a child, a marriage, a baptism or confirmation. The items as well as the persons who will receive the gift are prayed for as part of the ministry.

Women's Fellowship

Our Ladies meet for fellowhip and tea on the fourth Wednesday morning of each month at the church, unless other arrangements are made. The programmes are quite diverse, from serious to light-hearted. All are welcome to join.

Men's Fellowship

The Men from our congregation meet on the fourth Saturday morning of each month, for a light breakfast at 8:30am in the Craig Room. They deal with all kinds of topics, from history to travel to theological issues.

Missions Group.

This group is made up of members who meet once a quarter to maintain the established relationship between various missionaries in the field and the congregation. The group also oversees funding given to these missionaries, which is mostly received through the congregation. In addition, the groups seeks out other mission opportunities.

Friendship Group.

A number of our members get together once a month to enjoy an outing together. All are welcome.

Fun Things to Do.

There is Badminton on Tuesday mornings and Ageless Grace, an exercise class for the elderly on Thursday mornings. Enquire at the office to join. From time to time organised hikes, suppers and movies are arranged. These are normally advertised. All are welcome.

You can view when and where these groups meet, as well as who is leading them, by clicking here